Eufy Camera Motion Detection Not Working

Eufy Camera Not Detecting Motion. Resolve Issue Here!

The cutting-edge features and dependable performance of Eufy cameras are well-known, although occasionally, users may experience problems with the motion detection feature. Don’t panic if you’ve observed the Eufy camera not detecting motion. In this blog, we’ll examine the potential root causes of this issue and provide you with a step-by-step fix.

Before we start, it’s critical to comprehend why motion detection is so important to the overall operation of your Eufy camera. Your camera can recognize and notify you of any movement that occurs inside its field of vision thanks to motion detection, adding an extra degree of protection and peace of mind. Accurate motion detection is necessary for efficient surveillance, whether you’re using it to keep an eye on your house, office, or any other location. This guide will help you resolve issues with your Eufy camera motion detection feature easily. So, without waiting, let’s start.

Reasons for the Eufy Camera Not Detecting Motion

From incorrect camera placement to power supply issues to configuration and software issues, there can be many reasons why a eufy camera not working error may arise. Here is a brief overview of the same:

Incorrect Placement

Improper camera placement is one of the main things that affect motion detection. Make sure your Eufy camera is properly installed, covers the appropriate area, and stands at the right height. Avoid mounting the camera too high, as this could affect how well it can detect motion. The camera’s line of sight should also not be obstructed by any physical obstacles, such as trees, bushes, or other items.

Insufficient Power

A reliable power source is necessary for Eufy cameras to operate correctly. Eufy camera motion detection not working issues could arise if the camera’s battery is low or the power supply is unsteady.  Try changing or charging the batteries if you’re using a camera that runs on batteries. Check the power connection for wired cameras, and think about using a dependable power source or adapter.

Incorrect Motion Sensitivity Settings

Eufy cameras include programmable motion sensitivity options to accommodate various settings and user preferences. It’s important to examine the sensitivity settings if your camera’s motion detection isn’t working. Then make sure the motion sensitivity is set properly by accessing the camera’s settings via the Eufy Security app or the web portal. Find the best setting for your unique needs by experimenting with various sensitivity levels.

Firmware Updates

The software of Eufy cameras is updated on a regular basis, just like that of other smart devices, to improve performance and fix any known problems. Then motion detection issues could be brought on by outdated firmware. The best performance and compatibility with other hardware or software are ensured by regularly updating the firmware on your camera. This will also help avoid issues like Eufy camera motion detection not working and more.

Wi-Fi Connectivity

Your Eufy camera must be connected to a reliable internet connection in order to function properly. Motion detection may not work properly if your camera is having connection problems. Make sure your camera is in range and assess the strength of your Wi-Fi network. To increase signal strength, moving your router closer to the camera or utilizing a Wi-Fi range extender. Then make sure that no other equipment is interfering with the Wi-Fi signal.

How to troubleshoot the Eufy camera not working issue?

Let’s examine some approaches to remedy the issue, now that we’ve determined the potential reasons for Eufy camera not detecting motion issues:

Verify Camera Placement

A camera’s vision should not be obstructed by anything, so make sure it is positioned correctly. If you find any obstacle in the path, remove it immediately.

Power Check

Firstly checking the battery level or power supply connection will show you whether the camera has enough power. If not, it is wise to use a different battery altogether. Also, ensure that the battery is properly inserted. If you continue to face the Eufy camera motion detection not working issue, move on to the next step.

Adjust Motion Sensitivity

The motion sensitivity settings can be changed via the Eufy Security app or web interface based on your needs. Then Log in to the app interface and change the details you wish to easily.

Firmware Update

By using the Eufy Security app or the Eufy website, update the firmware on your Eufy camera to the most recent version. This will help fix issues with the inherent features and resolve the Eufy camera motion detection not working issues.

Wi-Fi Troubleshooting

Firstly make sure your Wi-Fi connection is reliable and strong, and if it isn’t, think about buying a Wi-Fi range extender. Using them can help you extend the network coverage. If not, you can also relocate the eufy camera to a place where the WiFi signals are the best.

You may greatly enhance your Eufy camera’s motion detection performance by carrying out these troubleshooting actions. But if the problem exists even after trying these fixes, it’s best to contact our Eufy camera support team

The final word

While having issues like Eufy camera not detecting motion can be annoying, it’s important to maintain your composure and carefully examine the issue. You can quickly fix the issue and get your Eufy camera back to working properly by making sure the camera is placed correctly, checking the power source, adjusting the motion sensitivity settings, keeping firmware current, and taking care of any Wi-Fi connectivity problems. Keep in mind that a reliable motion detection system is essential for upholding a safe and secure home environment.