irobot Roomba Not Working

iRobot Roomba Not Working. How To Fix It?

The Roomba vacuum is the finest robot vacuum that cleans all kinds of surfaces. This vacuum offers several features you can schedule cleaning sessions, connect it with a voice assistant, and several other features. However, you could face issues with your Roomba vacuum as well. Such as the Roomba not working is an issue that is common among users. This issue could arise due to various factors. To get the best out of the Roomba vacuum, you must resolve this problem.

This issue could also arise due to improper WiFi connection as well. But if you are facing the Roomba not connecting issue as well, you don’t have to worry. We have designed this post to help you through the Roomba not working problem. In this blog, you can find the causes responsible for the issue as well.

Why is the Roomba Not Working?

Numerous factors are responsible for the Roomba not working issue. Some common ones are as follows:

  • Dirty brushes
  • Poor signal strength
  • Improper power source
  • Dirty sensors
  • Uncleaned filters
  • Stuck wheels
  • Router issues
  • Technical glitches
Roomba Not Working

These are some common factors due to which the Roomba not connecting or working issue arises. 

Fixing the Roomba Not Working Issue

Now that you know the causes for the vacuum not working properly, you can troubleshoot it effectively. You can try the following methods to fix the issues:

Clean the Brushes

  • Sometimes, the Roomba not working issue arises due to dirty parts of the vacuum.
  • As you know, the vacuum requires a lot of maintenance to function correctly.
  • So sometimes, due to stuck debris and hair in the brushes, this issue arises.
  • In this situation, you must clean the brushes and remove any stuck hair or debris.
  • You can use a wet microfiber cloth to clean the brushes.
  • Ensure to clean all the brushes thoroughly.
  • You can also replace the brushes if they are defective.

Wash the Filters

  • Due to dirty filters as well, the Roomba not working issue arises.
  • If the filters of the vacuum are dirty, the vacuum will not be able to pick up debris.
  • In this case, you must take out the filters and wash them thoroughly with water.
  • After washing them, air-dry them and insert them in the vacuum.
  • Now, the Roomba should be working correctly.

Check the WiFi Connection

  • Connecting the Roomba vacuum to the WiFi is very crucial.
  • Without a WiFi connection, the Roomba will not work at all.
  • But if you are facing the Roomba not connecting issue, you must fix it.
  • There could be an issue with your router as well due to which this issue is arising.
  • In this case, you can try rebooting or resetting your router to fix issues with it.
  • Otherwise, you must connect the vacuum to some other network.
  • Also, ensure to use the correct WiFi password to form a connection successfully.

Charge the Vacuum

  • Another reason the Roomba not connecting issue occurs is due to the vacuum’s dead battery.
  • So before you set up the Roomba vacuum, you must charge the vacuum to set it up correctly.
  • The vacuum will have trouble connecting to the WiFi, due to low battery. Thus, ensure to fully charge the vacuum.
  • This should fix the Roomba not connecting to the WiFi issue. If not, you can proceed with the next method.
  • You can also try resetting the vacuum, but if the Roomba not resetting, there could be another problem.

Fix the Wheels

  • The dirty wheels of the vacuum are also another reason for the vacuum not working.
  • So ensure to clean the wheels of the vacuum properly.
  • Due to thread or hair tangled in the wheels, the vacuum stops working.
  • In this case, you must flip the vacuum and remove all the tangled debris.

Clean the Sensors

  • The sensors of the vacuum have an essential role in the vacuum’s performance.
  • With dirty sensors, the vacuum will have trouble maneuvering around the house.
  • Therefore, ensure to clean the sensors of the vacuum as well.
  • This should fix the Roomba not working issue.

Reboot the Vacuum

  • The sensors of the vacuum have an essential role in the vacuum’s performance.
  • With dirty sensors, the vacuum will have trouble maneuvering around the house.
  • Therefore, ensure to clean the sensors of the vacuum as well.
  • This should fix the Roomba not working issue.

Reset the Vacuum

  • If none of these methods are working, you must reset the vacuum to fix the issues.
  • The reset procedure for the Roomba will differ according to the vacuum model.
  • But you can reset all the Roomba vacuums through the Roomba app.
  • All you need to do is, open the app, and select the Roomba you want to reset.
  • Hereon, from the settings, select the Factory Reset option.
  • This should restore the factory default settings of the vacuum.
  • If the Roomba not resetting, there could be another issue with the vacuum.

Replace the Vacuum

  • Check the Roomba vacuum for any physical damages.
  • Sometimes the Roomba stops working due to a defective part too.
  • In this case, you must replace the part.
  • If the vacuum is too old or broken, you must replace it.
  • With time, the vacuum can stop working.
  • You can buy another one or get it repaired by a professional.

These are the methods to fix the Roomba not connecting and not working issue. The Roomba vacuum should be working accurately now.

How to Fix the Roomba Vacuum Not Cleaning the Entire Area?

If your Roomba isn’t cleaning the entire place, you can fix it easily. You can try the following methods to fix the issue:

Verify the Settings

The app settings of the vacuum play an important role in vacuum cleaning. When you have sent the vacuum on a cleaning run, check if you have selected all the rooms. Maybe you send the vacuum on a single room cleaning accidentally. You can change the settings from the app.

Empty the Dustbin

The dustbin of the vacuum could be full, due to which the vacuum is unable to clean all the area. Therefore, you must empty the dustbin almost after every run. The vacuum can’t clean properly with a full dustbin.

Remove the Obstructions

The vacuum could also have trouble cleaning due to obstructions in the area. With obstructions in its path. The sensor of the vacuum will perceive it and will not proceed in that direction. Thus, leaving the area uncleaned. Also, ensure the area has proper lighting, as it will have difficulty in the area with low lighting.

Battery’s Low

The Roomba’s battery could be low due to which it stopped cleaning. If the vacuum’s battery’s low, it cannot complete the cleaning run. Therefore, if the vacuum died while making its way to the dock, you must place it manually.

Now you know how to fix the vacuum not cleaning an area properly. You can also try resetting the vacuum to fix the issues with it. But if the Roomba not resetting, you can try other troubleshooting methods. If there’s any other issue you are having with your Roomba vacuum, you can reach out to our team right now.